Hello my Reader Friends! Happy (almost) Springtime!

The Earth is alive and sending up shoots here on the west coast – snowdrops and crocus, with the promise of daffodils and tulips soon to bloom. That is, Persephone is on her way back from the Underworld, and her mother Demeter is celebrating!

I am in the thick of final preparations for our production of Pomegranate opera by the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto in early June, which means that I am spending much time, as the librettist, zooming with people in far-flung places – this morning’s zoom was with collaborators in Toronto, Belgrade, and Palm Springs. We were discussing costumes. When you are in the audience and everything goes well, you will have no idea of the amount of planning that has gone into a production. Only if things go wrong, and the façade cracks, are the complexities revealed in disarray!

Meanwhile, with the recent publication of a memoir – The Road Leads to Crosby Beach – in don’t tell: family secrets by Demeter Press, I realize that I’ve had work published in four Anthologies over the past few years. So, my wonderful Webmistress Christine has added a new Anthologies category under the heading Books on my webpage navigation bar.
You can see details of these books at the following link:

And for those of you who live on Hornby Island, or will be visiting on the weekend of February 25th, you will find news of a Book Launch for don’t tell: family secrets on the News and Events page of my website.

Don’t Tell is an anthology of works by 61authors, in prose and poetry.

Don’t Tell not only spills the tea about family secrets; it also delves into the condition of their endurance in old letters and faded photos, and their revelations via DNA testing, slips of the tongue, and uncomfortable silences. This collection reminds us of the length families will go to in maintaining silence, safety, or respectability, and of the courage of those who reach into that dark rain barrel of the past and draw up the truth, dripping and wriggling, into the present day. If you’ve ever discovered – or been – the family secret, Don’t Tell is the book for you.” – Tanis MacDonald, Prof, Dept. of English and Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University.

All the best! And for those of you in or around Toronto, I hope to see you at a Pomegranate performance June 2, 3 or 4!